Friday, June 4, 2010

The Army Life

It gives me great pride to be an army officers daughter and I am blessed and happy to have a home away from home - 'The Gladiators' Den' and I call the lot ' The Glad Gladiators'.

Have some great memories of my childhood and really feel nostalgic whenever I remember the times we all had during the tenure when dad was associated with it....

There was never a moment that we spent alone...the dinner parties, the gala festive celebrations and celebrating birthdays with not 10 or 20 people but the whole gang of more than 60 people was definitely incredible and full of fun.

Dad got retired long time back in 2003, but the regiment is still a second home for us and some of the regimental lot are still in touch no matter where they get posted. 

I got married to a software techie, so life was definitely a complete change from the army scene...that I grew up in.

So after a long wait I along with my sister, planned a trip down memory lane and finally got our husbands to visit the regiment in April...of 2010 which was at that time located in Mamoon, Pathankot.

The stay was although for a very short time...but we enjoyed every moment of it. The kids we grew up with are now major or captain in the army and few at the commanding posts too....time does really fly!!

We were given a warm welcome by Lt. Karan and Maj Bhullar (Pawanjeet Bhaiya for us) and felt at home. Enjoyed a hearty breakfast and viewed the historic wall of fame that features all those who were in some way associated with the regiment. The big surpise was the tank ride, which none of us were prepared....Pawan bhaiya made sure that we were all covered in dust by end of the ride....and well we had a dust bath!!! It was an incredible feeling....that not many can get.....

Honor, Duty, Respect, Loyalty, Devotion, Selfless service, Courage...that's what being a soldier means in the Army.

Life in the army is world apart....yet so similar like ours....

The Perks: Army offers the best security of employment, the best pension provision and the best health care...still in the recent years there's been a drastic fall in recruitment's in the armoured forces and that is definately a big worry. The excitement of being in the army is no longer there and very few of the younger generation opt to join the forces.

No matter what your ethnic background, race, religion or gender is....Army gives you support to help you succeed and provides you lifelong learnings in various ways. This creates a bond unlike any other you'll find in the civilian workplace. The bond that stays whether you are on duty or off.

Lifelong learning: In the army you work, live and travel as a team...your course mates become your best mates, you not only remember your friends but also the battalion, the badge, the night raids and the names of squadron at the back of your hands...Army teaches you how to live and survive in difficult situations, rough terrains, live through wintry nights, suffer tremendous heat in ghastly through combat deployments and come out a fighter..never complaining once....enduring physical duress and at times risking personal safety...because a soldier is a fighter till he lives ..

True Values: A soldier's life is underlined by values that he adapts while in training, the values and respect he learns every day and he shares that deep respect with everyone who comes across his journey of life....and goes about his day to day lives.

It still surprises me to see how supportive, united and friendly the army families are to each other. Army life encourages them to support each other and help adjust to the new changes in the place, environment etc. and help you feel secure in your new location...each time every time...

At Work: A soldiers day is anything but average. Have you heard soldiers wearing the same clothes every single day of the year and ever complaining? None, as that funny little green suit is his respect, his armour, his livelihood...A normal day could begin as early as 4 am with physical training being the top most routine followed by usual administrative work and additional training on ground equipment and weapons to planning and preparing for the battlefield!

Relax n Unwind: Army life is not always work — soldiers get free time just like everyone and they can spend time with friends and family, go for a vacation, learn or take part in sports or hobbies etc.

Go join this glorious organization and improve the world yours and ours!!

Monday, April 19, 2010

Live it Up!

A lot of times we wish that the days were longer so as to accomplish a lot of things we want to explore, dig in, simply cherish or wish we could do more in a day .. so we take the simple route and blame it on the lack of time!

Even with a new work culture and the flexi working hours, we discover at the end of the day that it is still the same routine. Work and back home and the day slips away. The excitement of a life in the fast lane doesn't seem so exciting, after all.

Life is now is the time..the moment to explore it and enjoy it to the fullest! Live each day as if it's your last. Leave the past behind and do not anticipate the future. Be present to enjoy the moment.

Read on and explore how you can swipe away the boredom out of your life and get jiving!

Go trekking!

Explore, live on the edge a little and embrace new challenges. Visit new places with your loved ones. Take the road less traveled.

There are a number of adventure clubs sponsored by the government and set up by individual put the zing back in your life and gain a whole new perspective.

Pleasurable Work

If you're the epitome of the ideal worker- disciplined, punctual and a workoholic, its time to give yourself a break! Choose a relatively non-chaotic day in the week or the month.

Wake up a little later than usual, read the paper, watch a bit of television, have an unhurried breakfast and arrive at the office a little later than the usual time (of course, keep the boss informed of the changed schedule!), enjoy doing your tasks scheduled and spend some fun time with co-workers. And see how it works.

Take Off to Unwind

Take a few days off from work to do a course that is totally unrelated to your work. You'll end up adding a new skill to your repertoire. You never know when it may come handy!

Take a break occasionally and go for a walk. Assume that you have come from another planet. Take a fresh look at the clouds, the colors of sky at sunset and sunrise. Look at the plants, trees, leaves, flowers and how they sway when wind blows..!

Look at water how it shakes and shape itself in the vessel it's stored.. Look at numerous forms of life - insects, animals, birds and human. This exercise will clear off the dead memories and monotony that kills the joy of living.